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Latest news from Joe

Greetings from a hot and windy Vassiliki, Lefkas, Greece!

Since we got back from the USA, we've hit the ground running. Here's what we've been up to:


  • Created a complete racing guide for newbies.
  • Produced two fantastic videos for first-time sailors.
  • Explored speed sailing with the Hobie 15.
  • Found a solution to make sheeting easier.
  • Experienced mixed fleet racing on the Tornado.
  • Discussed how poorly tuned rudders can slow you down.
  • Compiled an informative Tornado parts guide.
  • Performed an FX1 speed run in some pretty intense wind.
  • Introduced the static 3-point turn—an absolute game changer!
  • Tackled the long tack when it's too windy to gybe.
  • Sailed the MiniCat into a cave—simply amazing!
  • PLUS, Live Q+A videos every week.


That’s a solid start! 

You can find it all from the Joyrider TV Channel Page on YouTube:


You might be curious about how I choose which videos to make. Here's my process:

First, I consider my time. If I have plenty, I'll set up one of my boats with cameras and wait for the wind. If time is short, I'll borrow one of Wildwind's boats—usually the FX1 since it's perfect for single-handed sailing, and finding a suitable crew for a double-hander can be tricky.

Next, I review my list of topics, organized by wind strength, boat type, required facilities, crewed or not, and more.

Then, I head out and aim to film two videos in one session if possible. Editing usually begins the following morning.


In the pipeline

I'm trying to hit the right balance between my 3 boats, the Tornado, Hobie 16 and MiniCat. 
And on those boats I'm wanting to balance between technique videos, adventure or journey videos, race videos, and of course full send speed runs. 
I'll try to get the balance right. 


Why no F18?

A fair question. I flippin' love sailing F18s but at the moment I want to focus more on the Tornado - With the World Championships coming up mid July. When I get back from that, i'll be switching focus more onto the C2 from Goodall Design. 



Yes, I'm intending to sail in the Tornado World Championships, Mid July in Rimini, Italy. Along with my new crew and tactical advisor, Ben. 
The bottom line is, financially we can't afford to go. Participating in these events is tremendously expensive and having just quit my day job to focus on making videos, it makes it even tougher to cover the costs. 

If you are able to help out with a small donation, please click on the link below, it will be greatly appreceated.
While at the event, I’ll be making daily videos to share the experience with you, including full race footage, interviews, and insights into the latest innovations in the Tornado fleet.

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