That's right, it's time to sheet in, bear away and hang on!!
An end of season Speed Competition for those in the Northern Hemisphere and a strong start for those in the Southern.
We're competing for the fastest 5 second average speed.
This is particularly exciting for me as it will be an officially regulated speed competition with a much higher degree of accuracy than the Speed Stick. I will be entering myself - once there's a bit of wind!
My thinking is, if this goes well, i'll ask WaterSpeed to host the Speed Stick - once there is an android version - you can link to Garmin devices and upload GPX files if necessary.
Here's how: Download the Waterspeed App on your Iphone
Enter your class of boat (in Equipment)
Join the challenge.
Sail as fast as you can.
Your fastest 5 second average will be added to the leaderboard.
Have as many attempts as you like.
You can also add your speed to the Joyrider TV Speed Stick - using the usual method.
Keep it safe out there!!
What's New On Joyrider TV?
As well as Live Q+A videos every Friday, these are the new titles that from August up until now: